
Now, call me a pedant, but “3+4” is not the same as “5+2”. If someone asks for 3 shirts and 4 skirts and you bring them 5 shirts and 2 skirts, you’ve made a mistake. Whoever wrote this question was writing with a blinkered maths-testing point of view rather than with a human point of view, yet trying to use everyday words. If you’re expecting a maths answer you should use a maths word: “equals”.

2 thoughts on “=

  1. 3 shirts + 4 skirts is not the same as 5 shirts + 2 skirts.

    That doesn’t mean that 3+4 is not the same as 5 + 7

    If someone asks for 3 shirts, and someone else asks for 4 shirts, but all you’ve got in stock is a pack of 5 shirts and two shirts from an open pack, that’s all the shirts you need, because fetching (3 + 4) shirts is the same as fetching (5 + 2) shirts.

  2. Pingback: How many is most? | Dadge

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